Botox Treatments The Way to a Happier You

If you are currently considering skin rejuvenation options, it’s time to take a serious look at everything Botox treatments have to offer. These treatments, which were approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration in April 2002, solve a wide variety of cosmetic issues from crow’s feet to forehead lines. A consultation with your dermatologist can put you on the path to feeling fully confident about your appearance.
Botox is a fast-acting and long-lasting wrinkle solution for many people. An average of 82% of patients see results within a week of their injection treatments, and the effects of one treatment will last up to four months. An average treatment lasts around thirty minutes, meaning that you only have to invest a small amount of time a few times per year in order to see dramatic results.
Better still, Botox has positive effects that extend well beyond simple wrinkle treatment. Physicians have been adopting it as a treatment for more serious medical conditions, including lazy eye, muscle contractures, and chronic migraines. In fact, Botox has been shown to tackle migraine symptoms for up to three months at a time, providing major relief for those who suffer from this condition. Moreover, the use of Botox is strongly correlated with a decrease in symptoms of depression. In a study of thirty patients, researchers noted a 47.1% reduction in depression symptoms just six weeks after each patient underwent a single Botox treatment. Botox isn’t just the key to looking more youthful; it’s also an important tool for creating a healthier, happier you.
Unsurprisingly, the numerous health benefits offered by Botox treatments have turned this facet of the dermatology field into a rapidly-growing industry. In just one year (2012 to 2013), the number of Botox procedures performed rose a full 8% in the United States. By 2013, injectables had become a 2.5 billion dollar industry. Thanks to this trend, a quick online search pulls up numerous lists of the best Botox clinics and the most reliable doctors in any given area. With such thorough information available at your fingertips, there has never been a better time to take that first step toward improving your mind, body and soul.