Are You Anxious to Get the New Custom Apparel for Your Favorite Team or School?
It is that time of year again.
The back to school convocation where all of the college students gather to hear inspiration from the provost, the president, and the presiding campus president. Once the photos of the opening convocation is over, the fast track really beings. For students, fast track at college means that the quizzes were going to start before soon and the papers will be next. For the students who are also athletes, the fast track means that the quizzes and the papers are only a part of your days on campus. You also have practices and meets, study sessions and team meetings. In the midst of all of the chaos of being a student athlete, though, is the excitement of the day that the team sports apparel is handed out.
Custom shirts, with apparel designs that vary from year to year are only a part of the team sports apparel package. At some schools, especially the larger schools, the items can also include shoes and jackets, hats and bags. In fact, at Division I levels, the team sports apparel loot is so significant that you rarely need to wear anything else. Custom apparel designs can help communicate a team’s message, or encourage life long fans to buy even more apparel. Consider some of these statistics about the team sports apparel industry how it impacts the economy:
- 2 billion t-shirts are sold worldwide each year. And while many of these are sports related, the t-shirt industry also features numerous other products in their designs.
- 62% of Americans claim to own more than 10 t-shirts in their wardrobe. This totals as many as 1.5 billion shirts in the country.
- More than $3,100is the amount of money that the average product fundraiser generates for schools and non-profits. Many of these fundraisers involve the sale of custom apparel and specially designed t-shirts.
- 73% of school fundraising sales are made by elementary school students, parents, and volunteers.
- 64% of Millennials prefer to fundraise through walk, run, or cycling events. The majority of these events have specially designed t-shirts or other pieces of apparel.
- 89% of principals believe it is important that they personally build school spirit at their school, and that higher levels of school spirit is tied to higher student achievement.
Fundraising apparel generates a lot of revenue for both teams and schools. The fact that school spirit wear changes from season to season means that you often find yourself wanting even more pieces of clothing in the same colors and for the same teams. Are you ready for this weekend’s first football games? The first golf matches? The fact that fans are obsessed with their favorite teams is only part of the reason that the t-shirt industry continues to thrive.