What Do Your Clothing Choices Say About You?

Supreme baseball caps

We are what we wear.
At least that is what a farly new exhibit at New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) says.
With a combination of baseball caps and saris, as well the infamous little black dress, the “Items: Is Fashion Modern?” exhibit which recently opened serves as a social history of the clothing that we wear. Included in these exhibits, of course, is not only fashion news, but also trends and comments about design, textile history and an interpretation of why some fashion items and trends last, while others do not.
The red hooded sweatshirt that is part of the exhibit will especially make visitors wonder about how a piece of clothing could be so misinterpreted when it is worn by a certain type of youth is today’s volatile environment.
When Was the Last Time That You Updated Your Wardrobe?
If you are looking for a new look this fall and this winter, you might decide that it is important to make sure that you find clothes that are comfortable. Whether you are looking for a supreme bag that you can carry to and from your college classes or you are searching for 5 panel hats for your son’s baseball team, it is essential that you find clothing that makes you not only look good, both feel good as well.
Although there is nothing wrong with getting the most out of your clothes, your old and outdated clothing can age you and may even effect the first impression that you give others. From buying backpacks for work to making the decision to invest in a supreme bag, finding the right accessories is also important. And while weekender bags might be fine for a vacation, it is sometimes important to make sure that the accessories that you use match the formality of your job. Just as graphic tees might work on the weekend, but not in the office, the bags that you carry on a weekend outing downtown may not be the right choice for the workweek.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the clothing industry, trends in popular apparel, and the influence of the digital age has changed how people shop and the impact how you look will have:

  • Based on your appearance, it only takes a tenth of a second for someone to decide on your trustworthiness.
  • One of the reasons that clothing is so important is that studies indicate that first impressions are more heavily influenced by nonverbal cues than verbal cues. Some studies show, in fact, that nonverbal cues have over four times the impact on the impression you make than anything a person says.
  • Who should I call after a car accident? 911? My insurance company? An attorney?

Supreme bags and other kinds of items that are offered on online apparel stores often fit into one world or another. Finding pieces that can transition from weekend to work is one way to make sure that you make the most of your fashion dollars.