Shirts for School Clubs Help the School Community

T-shirts are a staple of nearly every American wardrobe. Billions are sold each year and more than half of Americans claim to own at least ten t-shirts. T-shirts are given as part of custom spirit wear, custom t-shirts for businesses, shirts for school clubs, team sports apparel, etc. The list goes on and on.
School clubs in particular often give shirts to their members as a way of fostering a sense of community. That’s what school clubs are for after all – bettering the community and growing a relationship between the students and each other, the students and the school, and the students and the wider community outside of it. Principals overwhelmingly believe in the benefits of student organizations, particularly that student involvement leads to student success. And it pays off – over half of students say they get involved to be part of their community. Shirts for school clubs is just one small perk.
Students often take a hands-on role when it comes to fundraising for their clubs. Apparel fundraising is often a very lucrative route to take. Almost 100% of parents report their children’s schools raising money for important causes and an average product fundraiser (for example, selling shirts for school clubs), raises over $3,000 for both schools and non-profit organizations.
Not only does something as simple as selling shirts for school clubs raise money for charities and non-profits (over $4 billion per year), it also helps to fund many important programs within the school, such as field trips, playgrounds, team uniforms and gear, and youth programs. As, unfortunately, schools are able to spend less per student than in the past, these fundraisers help bridge the gap and provide students of the school with as many amenities as possible.
So where do these schools get these shirts for school clubs? There are design companies that specialize in helping you to create a design that best represents your organization. For example, a school might sell spirit wear shirts at a spirit wear fundraiser. They might want the school colors to be prominently featured, perhaps alongside a school mascot. There are also class teams and class fundraisers that might want specialty shirts separate from the general school spirit shirt. A design company can help to differentiate design and customization between the shirts while still upholding the overall message of the school.
School t-shirts often mean more than just a school t-shirt. They can help to support the community, can help give the students themselves the ability to make a difference, and can help to foster school spirit – all in one design.