Embroidered Pillows and Other Home Decor That Expresses Your Taste and Personality

Many Americans enjoy decorating their overall home in a specific style. Others, however, may like to have a bit of variety. When a recent survey was conducted on home decor, the participants that preferred to create a unified appearance indicated that their homes had the following styles:
- Traditional: 44%
- Modern: 22%
- Eclectic: 13%
- Country: 10%
- Global: 2%
Some homeowners may plan to update or redecorate every few years or so. If they were planning to redecorate, however, a 2017 interior design trends survey found that over 33% of their participants would choose neutral color palettes. One of the benefits of having a neutral color palette is that a splash of color in a throw, pillow, or painting can provide a significant contrast.
Another way to create a certain ambiance is with monogrammed accessories. This tradition first became popularized in the 1200s as a way to identify the owner of household linens, such as sheets, tablecloths, and napkins. A that time, dark ink was used to create monograms of one to three letters. Over the centuries, this tradition changed a bit, and monograms were often embroidered rather than enscibed in dark ink.
A HomeGoods survey found that just 20% of people within the United States are happy with their home decor. If you aren’t happy with your home decor, there’s a good chance that you may be planning to explore some ideas so that your home reflects your lifestyle and tastes. You may, for example, enjoy a more traditional look. Given this, why not add a few embellishments such as monogrammed pillows? You may be aware that during the Victorian era and beyond, it was quite common to have lavish home decor.
If you’re focusing on creating a bedroom sanctuary, for example, you could add a few embroidered pillows on your bed or chaise lounge. You may also want to treat yourself to some Victorian style nightgowns to further invoke the era. In addition to Victorian style nightgowns, you may also want a few pairs of Victorian pajamas for lounging in your boudoir-style bedroom.
When you’d like to continue this opulent theme throughout your home, embroidered hand towels, tissue box covers, and linen guest towels are also a nice touch. Just imagine how your guests will exclaim during your next soiree when they receive their favorite beverage along with embroidered cocktail napkins. There are so many other embroidered items that may appeal to you and your friends alike. Victorian style nightgowns and embellished pillows also make lovely gifts.