5 Natural Skin Whitening Treatments You Can Try at Home

According to a Dove survey, only four percent of women around the world see themselves as beautiful. Dove also found that seven in 10 women agreed that a ‘beauty product’ is any product that makes her feel more confident.

When it comes to looking beautiful or feeling beautiful, women are willing to spend whatever it takes. By 2021, the global skin care market is expected to be valued at $154 billion. This is especially true of skin tone. When it comes to skin tone, many women will try many methods to achieve a lighter complexion.

There are many issues that women face when it comes to trying to improve their skin and many skin imperfections. According to dermatologists, women typically start seeing a change in their skin tone by their early 30s and there are several reasons why:

  • Discoloration: Acne is a common problem for many people and by their mid-teens, more than 40 percent of people have acne or scars from acne.
  • Sunspots: Sunspots can start showing up as early as your 20s, though most people start noticing them in their 30s and 40s. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, more than 90 percent of the visible changes common attributed to skin aging are caused by the sun.
  • Hyperpigmentation: Exposure from the sun can darken areas there are already hyperpigmented and it happens due to an overproduction of melanin.
  • Hormones: During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone play an important role in regulating how the body produces melanin, which gives skin its pigment. About 50 to 70 percent of women struggle with uneven skin tone during pregnancy.

When it comes to skin whitening cream, the market is filled with dozens of different brands and types. Skin whitening cream varies in price and there are many types that fit any budget. While there are many top brand, expensive skin whitening creams available, there are also several natural home remedies that can be used. These skin whitening cream home remedies include:

  • Tomato, oatmeal and Yogurt: this remedy suits all skin types. Tomato juice and yogurt are mixed with oatmeal to create a paste which is then applied as a mask for about half an hour.
  • Milk, honey and lemon juice: milk and fresh lemon juice are mixed together and honey is then added to serve as a moisturizer.
  • Yogurt: As a probiotic, yogurt can naturally moisturize and bleach the skin and applying yogurt to your face for 20 minutes or so can have good results.
  • Lemon: This one’s easy! Cut a lemon in half and rub it on your face. Lemons acts as a natural bleaching agent, but keep in mind it can also dry out the skin.
  • Yogurt and dried orange peel: If you’re noticing a pattern with using yogurt, it’s because it works so well when combined with something else. The orange peels can be turned into a powder and then mixed with the yogurt to create a natural face mask.

Looking for the best skin whitening cream? Style Craze offers a helpful list of Store brand creams as well as several Home remedies to help you find the perfect path to skin care whitening.